Thursday, January 08, 2009

18 months

At 18 months, JT

- is somewhere between 18 months and 2T in clothing
- weighs about 27 lbs.
- hugs and kisses everyone goodnight
- says goodnight to Mama at least 3 times any given night
- still loves his yobaby yogurt
- says, "Mama?!" I ask, "Yes, JT?" He says, "Truck."
- knows a lot of words and animal sounds
- blows on his food when it's hot
- says "brrrr" when he's cold
- loves going bye-bye
- sings Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star... "up above," he sings
- dances like a cross between Night at the Roxbury and Barney
- asks for the "Elmo" podcast every evening
- loves the race car track toy the most of all the Christmas presents
- doesn't mind going outside even when it's cold
- isn't fond of wearing his mittens
- says "no, no, no" when you ask him what the Mama says
- pinches his belly with the toy pliers and says "OW!"
- has a bit of an issue with throwing food and utensils at mealtime
- captures our hearts more and more every day

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