Thursday, May 08, 2008

the roundup

Not much is new on this rainy Thursday evening. I stayed home with JT yesterday. He has had a fever since Tuesday. We think it's roseola. He's acting perkier now and the fever is under control with medicine. So now we just wait for the rash to show up to signal the virus is on its way out! How about if I take pictures when it shows up?

Here are a few interesting things... Google Reader has a shared items page for each user. My page is here. I also have the feed for my shared items at the left side of this blog.

Ali Edwards
is doing a series on photos + words this week. I love photos and words (obviously)... I would love to find time to follow along with her prompts.
Some Twitter friends (fellow Tweeters) are writing a short story via Twitter. Each person writes one line of the story at a time. It's fun to play along just to try the technology. My creative writing skills are not so much. I did have my Twitter followers wondering the other day when I "grabbed my helmet and ran out the door" though. lol. If you want to follow the story, get a Twitter account and track #shrttb. One thing to note, once you start tracking, you'll only get future tweets, not the full history.

Another friend passed along a few recent copies of The Economist. I've decided that I need to be more informed this election year. Plus, it's just interesting. That's right... I'm trading in my Memory Makers, Real Simple, and Wondertime subscriptions for The Economist. I always catch up on Vogue and Vanity Fair at the salon. heehee.

And that's life on the internet for this Thursday evening. Ciao!

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