Sunday, April 20, 2008


LO: I , originally uploaded by brungrrl.

This year I am all about Mother's Day. I've pretty much thought it was a made-up holiday (like Sweetest Day) every other year. But last summer I spent a good 8-12 weeks thinking HOW did the women who came before me get through this with such grace?!

Motherhood hit me like a semi-truck. I think God pretty much delivers little babies with a special blend of hormones, emotion, and loud crying designed to instill the the parents with the deepest understanding of what their miracle means.

So, I decided last summer that this year I would definitely do some special things for my mom and grandmothers. I finished my mom's gift last weekend and I couldn't wait to give it to her. So she got it yesterday, along with an overnight visit from me and JT. Since it's been delivered, I can share it here. Maybe, you'll be inspired to do something special for your mom this year? (Allow me to remind you how often you needed fed, diapered, bathed, rocked, and snuggled 24 hours a day those first few months of your life!)

This album is from I picked it up at the Memories Expo a couple weeks ago. I like this album because it's heavy, durable chipboard. Oh, and I also liked that it says "Nana" which is what JT calls my mom (or he will when his vocabulary expands beyond uh-oh). Lots of paper, glue, paint, and sanding went into this book. Not really any special techniques... I tried to keep it simple in design and light in content. Lots of stickers on this bad boy!

My favorite piece is the page that says, "My nana makes the best fried chicken" with a photo of Mom holding a bucket of KFC! Check it out here.

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